13 Apr First on-site meeting of VIBES consortium
From 11. to 12. April 2022. VIBES consortium had its first physical meeting that took place in Tallinn, in premises of Estonian Business School. Over two days partners reflected on the country reports created in IO1 which showed existing practices and related trends for the development and acquisition of virtual team working skills. Reports have shown diversity of starting points across the European educational spectrum and wide variation of adoption of computer literacy and with respect to online education. Interviews of key informants from representative companies made in IO2 as well as the examples of good practices confirmed the need to create the VIBES Competence Framework for Virtual Teamwork. It will develop a thematic flow of relevant topics to be included in the development of educational content – IO3. Partners actively (trough workshop) worked on IO3 outputs, defined structure of VIBES hub for learners and practitioners, VIBES course prototype and piloting activities. Plans about future activities in IO4 and IO5 were also done.