After two years of joint work VIBES project completed first part of its journey, the one covered by Erasmus+ financing. Designed in the midst of uncertain Covid times, characterised with rapid transition to online environment it had as its mission from the beginning the idea...
After two years of joint work VIBES consortium had from 13th to 14th February 2023 its final transnational meeting in Dubrovnik, Croatia in premises of University of Dubrovnik. During this meeting partners reflected on all project IOs and outputs, revised dissemination activities, discussed multiplier events...
Over the course of the project a set of trainings have been developed for use in high schools and universities across European and international higher education spaces. These trainings tackle issues of communication dynamics, culture, ways of working and management and digital well being in...
From November 2022 to February 2023 VIBES consortium participated in a range of co-creation activities with different levels of students and stakeholders in order to fine-tune its learning outputs and maximise their transferability potential. The first of these tasks involved online co-creation and development events...
After long period of development and several rounds of virtual and on-site fine-tuning through co-creation sessions with students and SMEs, VIBES virtual teamworking masterclass course prototype has been released as ready-to-use educational resource in four languages of consortium partners. Learners and instructors now have the...
After several months of pilot work, VIBES learning hub was today officially launched as fully functional final version. VIBES learning hub is designed as an open space and easy to use virtual collaboration space that allows different categories of those interested in virtual multicultural teamworking...
VIBES project meeting took place in November 2022 in Lahti, one of campuses of LAB university. The meeting started with reflection on course content development in IO3 and progress already undertaken on IO4 on learning hub and course prototype development. Preliminary works have been presented...
VIBES consortium is proud to release its complete IO3 output – the tool for curricula development. and ready to use course prototypes for multicultural virtual teamworking skills. The aim of IO3, in the VIBES project, was to offer a systematic method of creating student awareness...
From 11. to 12. April 2022. VIBES consortium had its first physical meeting that took place in Tallinn, in premises of Estonian Business School. Over two days partners reflected on the country reports created in IO1 which showed existing practices and related trends for the...
VIBES reached new milestone developing its course development toolbox. VIBES IO3 – Educational content development offers a modular systematic approach to creating curricula for multicultural virtual teamworking skills. It draws insights from three levels of education: high school, university, and graduate/professional education. Curriculum development is...
Being able to work in virtual teams has become one of the basic employability skills. The challenges of working in virtual teams are multifaceted. Such teams cope with a lack of conventional trust-building mechanisms, barriers to communication & collaboration, diversity, challenges and many more. To…
As part of IO1 activities VIBES consortium performed EU wide mapping of virtual team working skills development. The resulting document revealed existence of digital gap among EU societies, economies and citizens with particularly pronounced gap between Northern states and the Mediterranean and Balkan areas. Already…
On 14-15 October 2021, the VIBES consortium held its 2nd transnational project meeting. The meeting took place at the University of Dubrovnik, Croatia, but due to Covid restrictions some partners also participated online. In the past months, the VIBES team has been working hard on…
On Thursday, April 8, 2021, a kick-off meeting of VIBES (Virtual business skills Empowerment) project took place. The consortium, led by the University of Dubrovnik, brings together partners from Croatia, Finland, Estonia, Belgium and Switzerland. The first meeting of the project was originally planned to…