01 Mar VIBES project coming to an end, new activities underway
After two years of joint work VIBES project completed first part of its journey, the one covered by Erasmus+ financing. Designed in the midst of uncertain Covid times, characterised with rapid transition to online environment it had as its mission from the beginning the idea to build supply and demand side competences in area of virtual multicultural teamworking.
The work of consortium resulted in number of practical outputs and useful inputs for future policy making. One of its first insights, based on mapping of best practices across EU was realisation that the topic targeted by project is hardly touched within existing educational programmes. This, together with insights collected through business survey gave consortium strength to come up with virtual teamworking competences framework that provided mapping of competences demanded by employers from several EU member states.
For most of its duration, project was focused on development of course materials applicable at different levels of education from high schools to masters studies but also with potential of transferability to lifelong education. Developed trainings have achieved precisely what they aimed as evidenced through various training and validation activities. However, rather than developing one-time wonder, VIBES leaves as its legacy something far more important, its content development tool, a step-by-step framework designed to help all those interested in designing their own training and teaching materials in area of virtual teamworking. This part of VIBES legacy guarantees its relevance and sustainability long after its financing expires.
VIBES leaves to wider learner and instructor community range of ready to use tools. Our multilevel and multilingual trainings are ready to use and our living hub has the potential to serve as focal point for all those interested in virtual teamworking education in years to come. Consortium members will provide it with support during first years of its existence in order to make it set its own foot.
The life of VIBES already seems promising. All initial expectations about project reach were several times exceeded with more than 400 individuals taking part in its co-creation activities. In first few weeks since official release of learning hub more than 600 views have viewed its content and 50 new accounts were registered at this platform. Those reached through project via websites and social media are counted in hundreds of thousands across EU and beyond.
The end of project does not mean the end of consortium activities. VIBES content already found its way in educational offer of most of our institutions and new initiatives are underway to offer it to even wider audience. Several new project ideas, brought up during project lifetime, are being developed. All this guarantees that VIBES spirit will continue to live long after the project ends.
Until VIBES 2.0,