As a first concrete step in project implementation VIBES team will perform comprehensive mapping of country and pan-European practices in building of virtual team working skills at high-school, university and adult education levels. Through this activity partners will obtain first of two outputs essential for creation of educational content and open education resource platform: the assessment of supply side bottlenecks in building of skills targeted by VIBES.
This first truly pan-European attempt to comprehensively assess the present state of virtual skills building education and training will be relevant for countries of involved institutions as well since the topics of VIBES is a novel phenomenon that is only beginning to become recognised as a need that has to be satisfied. Its findings will be relevant to European and national stakeholders interested in building of transversal skills for digital era jobs.
The findings of VIBES competences mapping will be made freely available and they will make impact on all those institutions moving towards development of educational content in this emerging area at present or future period. They will also serve to businesses as one-stop place with information about provision of education relevant for performance of their present and prospective employees.